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  • 「雙鴨山堆積門」海利普快速門變頻器常見故障代碼

    Common Fault Codes for the Frequency Converter of "Shuangyashan Accumulation Gate" Helip Express Gate


    Inverter has outstanding maintenance functions, including: overload, inter-phase short circuit, short circuit to ground, under-voltage, overheating, overcurrent and so on.




    Fast-door converter is the control center of all diaphragm actions. Therefore, when ordering fast-door, users must ask clearly what brand of converter they are using.


    Frequency conversion brands commonly used are SFT, Shilin, Mitsubishi, as well as the Helip Inverter introduced to you today.


    Helip Inverter, fully known as "Helip Communication Inverter Speed Regulator", is the brand of Danfoss Group, Denmark's largest multinational industrial production company.




    It is mainly used for three-phase asynchronous communication motor's frequency conversion speed regulation and energy saving. It is used for controlling and dispatching the speed of three-phase asynchronous communication motor. It occupies the frequency converter market with its stable function, rich combined function, high-function vector control technology, low-speed and high-torque output, good dynamic characteristics and super-strong overload ability. It has an important position.


    When the frequency converter is maintained, please press the information shown in the table below to find out the reason. After the treatment is completed, the operation will be performed again.


    Common Fault Codes for the Frequency Converter of "Shuangyashan Accumulation Gate" Helip Express Gate


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